in partnership with Travel and Transport.
Travel technology and tools are moving at jet-speed. It’s impossible to keep up with every new app, widget, and product on the market. Great travel managers don’t get caught up in the industry hype and buzzwords, instead, they focus on honing skills that they can apply in any situation.
Chances are, you didn’t grow up planning to manage travel budgets. Nobody told you how to keep both a CFO and difficult travelers happy. Travel management is an industry most of us fall into, without formal training or mentoring on the skills we need to get ahead in our roles and careers.
That’s why we created this ebook.
We interviewed travel managers and experts from across our business around the world to dig into the details on what successful travel buyers need to know.
Simply fill out the form above to get this insightful ebook!
Key learning objectives:
- Skills travel managers need to succeed
- Tools that help travel managers deliver satisfying service
- The need for cultural intelligence
- Technology that helps travel managers do more
- The data travel managers digest
- The importance of cross-departmental connections
- The power of negotiation